Monday, June 30, 2014


I successfully have blogged what, once? twice? in the past month. Summer is here, which means that my hubby is off doing field work off and on. That leave me lots of one-on-one Bug time, but also less "sit on my butt and blog time."

Bug is doing awesome. He is up to 5 teeth and his hair is in his face. He is a solid walker now, and can run (and it's adorable, even if it isn't steady.) He loves to do everything that mommy and daddy do, even if that leads to some frustration on his part. It truly amazes me at what he watches us do, and he mimics it perfectly. Example from this last weekend. Friends from Pennsylvania came to stay in the Moosequito Inn and we took them gold panning. Bug spent most of the time playing in the creek while we panned for gold (daddy and I took turns watching him.) At one point we put down our pans and sat on the edge of the stream. Bug walked over, grabbed a pan, threw a scoop of dirt from the bucket into it and started to pan. He did it exactly like we did. It was adorable.

Friday, Bug started daycare. It was horrible and broke my heart to drop him off. He was there for three hours while I ran to the greenhouse to pick up my free green bean plants. He seemed "ok" when I showed up, but then just sat in my lap and cried. The poor guy has never been away from me. I'm glad I have the opportunity to have him transition slowly, I think....

Lots going on. We've had a TON of rain, and my garden is not happy. Hopefully it gets warmer and stays a little dryer for a bit. I'd like SOMETHING in my garden to grow.

Now, for some photos.

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