Sunday, October 13, 2013

Weekend Update

Our weekend involved a lot of running to Lowe's. Seriously, when the woman there (because I swear that's the only people who help me) start to recognize me, it's bad. Saturday AM I made a run to the yarn store to pick up some wool that was on sale. On my way there I "cough, cough" stopped off at the transfer station. I won't tell you what I got (yet.) Let's just say it has been my entire weekend project! My poor husband, I am driving him nuts. No more projects until this one gets done, and it might be a week before I can finish it. So far it's turning out pretty neat, hopefully it turns out how I am expecting it too.

Friday we made Sauerkraut. Bug was super interested in watching and we even let him help his dad tamp it into the container. Sauerkraut is really easy to make. In about 4 weeks we'll see if it worked.

 Short and sweet post tonight. I need to get back into the garage and keep going on this frickin' project. Don't forget to check out Friday's post.
Our Supervisor

7 # Cabbage 

Lots, and lots, and lots of cutting 

Looking thrilled with my photo taking. 

Lazy Bums

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